Social Justice Summit for Educators

Wed, August 5, 2020 12:00 AM – 1:30 AM

K-12 teachers are uniquely poised to help students understand race and racism. Now is the time to be the change!

Join us for a virtual event on Aug. 4 at 7pm. Whether you are new to the concept of social justice education, or a veteran of many years engaging in culturally sustaining pedagogy-this summit is for you. We will address a wide range of topics, such as what exactly is meant by the term “white privilege” and how can we create schools that are sites of anti-racism. There will be several break out rooms, each scaffolded to support you in at your current stage of your social justice journey.

More good news, this event is FREE! Please bring a friend. Education is hard work, and social justice education is even more so. This summit hopes to be the first step in building a powerful online community to support teachers, staff, and school administrators as we work collectively to create a more just society through our schools.

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