We Owe You a Legacy is a deeply felt, lyrical exploration of the way colonialism has infiltrated the mother-daughter relationship in contemporary black diaspora communities.
Considering the mother as a figure in post-colonial discourse, Marion Burge and her team of collaborators interrogate the legacy of colonialism. The trauma, the consequence, the blood and the sacrifice.
We Owe You a Legacy is a guilt ridden journey through the colonial residue of the past and the hopeful expectancy of the future. It is a loving tribute to the powerful presence of the mother and a tense wrestling match with the responsibilities that are inherited by women of the African diaspora.
This show contains food. Please contact the theatre about any allergy concerns. Age restrictions: 11+
Ab0ut the artist
Marion Burge is an artist whose work investigates identity and belonging. She makes work that attempts to inspire a shift in the way we understand the communities and emotional spaces we move through. She is joined by performance maker and visual artist Dejonie Langallier and writer/ director Amanda Oyebusola Ajomale.
Twitter: @marionburge | Instagram: @marionburge | Facebook: Marion Burge weowealegacy #pinataplay