An evolving exhibition which walks you through history uncovering the major events that have prompted changes to UK laws relating to equality and diversity. The exhibition is completely free to enter. If you plan on attending as a group it is advised that you notify the exhibition team on 01908 667750 to avoid congestion during your visit.
Since 2010, the U.K has had in place the Equality Act, which brings the nine protected characteristics under one law. The act oversees parity and equality for the following areas which could be effected by illegal intolerance; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion or belief; sex and sexual orientation. The Milton Keynes Equality Council is one of the nation’s leading voices in the struggle for true emancipatory equality in the UK. In this iteration of the touring exhibition, we focus on The History of Racial Equality.
PREVIOUS PRAISE: “Thank you for organising such an inspirational exhibition” – Eva Tutchell, Author of Man-Made: Why So Few Women Are in Positions of Power, Routledge.
“The exhibition was excellent; myself and my company were proud to be part of it and I hope that it helps to increase awareness, acceptance and inclusion of all members of our society. I sincerely hope it continues to evolve and grow as it tours the country” – Drew Dewsall, Gobsmack Comics, Horsham.
Touring exhibition space is kindly provided to us by the national charity Centric Community Projects, which provides free space for charities and non-profit organisations across the UK. See centricprojects.org for more information.