Book now to attend “What’s Happening in Black British History? VI” #WHBBH6 is the sixth in an Institute of Commonwealth Studies series exploring the history of peoples of African origin and descent in Britain.
The day will feature a keynote speech by historian and author Professor Gretchen Gerzina on Why Black British History Matters: An American Perspective. This will be part of a great line-up of engaging, informed speakers, with sessions on: Beyond the Margins: Diverse Black Histories in Britain; Fathers’ Migration Stories and Black British Experiences of War.
WHBBH6 will be held at The Institute for Black Atlantic Research, University of Central Lancashire, Preston on Thursday 16th March, 11am-6.30pm.
The full programme and event details are available on the Institute of Commonwealth Studies website.
And keep right up to date with WHBBH by following @BlackBritHist on Twitter or Facebook Facebook/BlackBritHist or check the web site