Herbal Healing

Saturday, 2 July 2016 from 15:00 to 17:00

Herbal Healing

Livity and holistic healing are fundamental tenets to the Rastafari way of life. Pioneers of the increasingly popular healthy living trends such as veganism, spiritual and hositic healing, we explore the legacy of herbal medicine handed down through the generations.

Marion ‘Kandake’ Makonnen has over 30 years’ experience and was introduced to the power of traditional herbal medicine by her grandmother. Kandake travelled and lived amongst the Rastafari community in Jamaica, and embraced a more holistic lifestyle included nutrition, reiki, herbalism, and keeping a clean heart and mind.

Spend the afternoon learning and embracing your own livity. Visit our Peace Garden and select hand-grown herbs for a special tea in the café.

Saturday 2 July, 3.00pm-5.00pm
Tickets are £7

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Founded in 1981, Black Cultural Archives’ mission is to collect, preserve and celebrate the heritage and history of Black people in Britain. Learn more about the work we do, visit bcaheritage.org.uk.

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