Traditional late-night story tales with TUUP – the Unorthodox Unprecedented Preacher, Usifu – The Cowfoot Prince and guest live musicians
Traditional late night story tales with TUUP – the Unorthodox Unprecedented Preacher, Usifu – The Cowfoot Prince and guest live musicians
Oct 28: Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Rd, WC1X 8PA 7.30pm
Nov 25: 5 Pancras Square Library, N1C 4AG 7.30pm
“Tuup is recognized as one of the most inspiring inspirational storytellers, from the african-caribbean community, as well as the wider International Storytelling community. Tuup embodies the african oral tradition of the grio” Keith Waithe
Usifu Jalloh is a highly experienced, talented award winning performer and educator who has been working in arts education for over 20 years. His roots in multicultural Sierra Leone, and his long standing and close association with artists and audiences from a wide range of cultures, have lead him to develop a storytelling style which encompasses international languages, music, dance and story themes.
A celebration of the history, culture and influences of the African diaspora on British life. The season will focus on local and international connections, highlighting achievements in science, arts, education and business. Acknowledging the past and looking to the future.
Back to the Future demonstrating how Black lives have and will always matter
Visit lovecamen.org/blackhistoryseason