BMC Black Dog Outdoor Walk, Froggat to White Edge, Peak District

Sun, 22 November 2020 09:00 – 16:30 GMT

The plan is a 13km jaunt along Froggatt and White edges, 6 hours walk Guides: Al Mackay and Vicky Bickerstaffe


The plan is a 13km jaunt along Froggatt and White edges, visiting the Wellington monument, and if people want, and are feeling up to it and the weather is kind, a possible extra 5km to take in Longshaw and Nether Padley. 4 hours for the first part, plus an extra 1.5-2 for the second

Thank you for choosing to join us, we are all thrilled to be able to still provide free, safe walks still. It’s a little different, so please be patient with us, while we get to grips with the forever changing lockdown conditions.

Due to Covid 19 we need to take on board some practical measures to help keep ourselves safe and reduce any chance of spreading infection.

✓ Please bring your own hand sanitiser, use regularly especially around gates or stiles. Try to avoid touching objects and each other.

✓ We need to avoid kit sharing, so please make sure you have the appropriate kit for the walk. It is getting cooler now on the summits, so please remember layers, fleeces, hats, gloves etc as well waterpoofs.

✓ We need to adhere to the distancing rules, so 1+ meter apart in England and 2 meters in Wales.

✓ Please ensure you do not have any symptoms of Covid 19 before the walk.


Because we are an organised group and a charity, the numbers are slightly different, and we are allowed to have groups of up to 30 if we wish. However, we are still mindful of numbers at the moment and your safety is our main concern, so we will still be running smaller groups this month but with the choice of different locations. So with this in mind, If you feel that you might not be able to make it for any reason, please let us know asap so we can make the place available to someone else that needs it. Even if it’s 10pm the night before please message the leader you are meeting.

Your personal kit needed for the day.

Rucksack with…waterproofs, snacks, lunch, water…ideally 2 ltrs, gloves, hat, any personal medication needed eg inhalers etc, suncream – hopefully!

Finally, we would like to wish you all a great day! Please take lots of photos and share with us on social media. We would also appreciate any feedback you have at the end of the day.

Leader is : Al Mackay,, 0905662273