Shortlisted for the Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award 2016, this unique emerging company stars four refugee young men who made the arduous journey to the UK on their own as children from Afghanistan, Eritrea and Albania.
They have told their ‘stories’ repeatedly to the Home Office as part of seeking asylum and it is the desire to reclaim them that grounds Phosphoros Theatre’s innovative work.
From the precinct of a pizza shop we embark on a journey across time and continents to explore how they got here, where they’re going and what they’ve learnt along the way. It’s a story of male and cultural identity, of family and fatherhood, a lyrical collage of memories, hopes, dreams and imagined realities. From prisons in Libya and Greece to conversations with absent Mothers to raising the next generation of sons. Powerful, celebratory, affirming, authentic; this is theatre that puts refugees centre stage.
Running time:
60 min (approx.)