Art Moves, Bulawayo to Glasgow (Arbroath)

Saturday 8th April 2017 - 11am – 7pm

The project is free to take part and participants need not have any musical experience. There are no age restrictions, children and young people are very welcome to take part also

Art Moves is a collaboration between MANY and Mema Arts (Zimbabwe) addressing intangible culture in Southern Africa, using workshops, performance and play to discuss globalisation and the West’s influence over the global South.

Workshops and performances in Bulawayo took place January – February 2017, working with 25 young people over two weeks, developing skills in mbira making, as well as mbira playing, song and dance. The participants continue to work with Mema Arts to develop skills and knowledge in the arts for professional development and opportunities.

Mema Arts’ director Bruce Ncube in now in the UK for the second phase of the project – a series of three music workshops around Scotland (Glasgow, Arbroath and Helmsdale). The UK workshops will use the instruments built in Bulawayo to teach traditional songs to participants in three locations across the country. Each workshop will conclude with a public performance event, inviting local musicians from the towns to play together, creating a fusion sound of traditional instruments.

11am – 1pm: History of the mbira, basic mbira playing and singing
1pm – 2pm: Lunch (buffet, provided free)
2pm – 4pm: History of the mbira, mbira playing and singing
5pm – 7pm: screening of project film and group performances