How to Map Systems of Racial Inequity to Create an Antiracist Organization

Thursday 16 December 2021

Learn how to map systems that produce racial inequity, identify and analyze systemic barriers, and devise a corrective action plan.


In the wake of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, many socially responsible companies pledged to become antiracist companies by addressing racial inequity in their workplaces. Companies made public statements denouncing systemic racism, donated money to social justice organizations, doubled-down on training employees on unconscious bias, organized employee resource groups (ERGs), and hired diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) officers.

While these efforts represent moves in the right direction, more has to be done to address the underlying systems that maintain disparate outcomes. Existing policies, procedures, practices, processes produce and normalize racial inequity. To improve racial equity outcomes in the workplace, we need to analyze these systems, identify the systemic barriers that are producing racial disparities, and then devise corrective action plans. Using a Lean continuous improvement framework through an antiracism lens, this interactive workshop will teach you how.

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