This week Winston will be discussing ‘Long Covid’ or ‘Covid Long Haulers’ as it can be known in other countries.
Have you or anyone you know of suffered with prolonged symptoms after you have recovered or had a negative PCR test? Please join us for another evening of a much needed discussion.
Sharing Dreams and Struggles Within our Black African Caribbean Community
We are looking forward to meeting our black African Caribbean community and others from anywhere within the UK and abroad. Being able to converse and share things with others who share the same heritage and ideals is indeed a good way of coming together in unity, solidarity and strength.
We are encouraging our community to strive towards the changes that need to happen along with offering support in any way possible. Lets engage in some quality time and enjoy sharing anything we feel to discuss together, during our regular online sessions.
Systemic and institutional racism along with oppression is and has always been prevalent in the UK regarding our black/brown African Caribbean community residents, this must and has to change now.