The Rights of Indigenous and Afrodescendant Peoples on Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Thursday 19 October - Monday 9 November

Session 1: International Solidarity

Thursday, October 19 / Midnight UK Time/7pm Eastern / 5pm Central America / 4pm Pacific

  • Erica Caines, Black Alliance for Peace, Baltimore Organizer/Haiti Americas Team
  • Soledad Ortiz, Comité de Defensa de la Mujer, Mexico
  • Johnny Hodgson, Representative to the National Assembly for the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua
  • Carlos Alemán, President of Regional Autonomous Council of the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua

Upcoming sessions:

Session 2, Saturday, October 28: 5pm UK Time/12noon Eastern/10am Central America: History
Session 3, Thursday, November 2: Midnight UK Time/7pm Eastern/5pm Central America: North Caribbean Region
Session 4, Thursday, November 9: Midnight UK Time/7pm Eastern/5pm Central America: South Caribbean Region

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