saint lucia independence party

Sunday 20 Febuarary 2022

Saint Lucia independence


Saint Lucia will be celebrating its 43rd year of independence and to mark the occasion, we will be having an event with local Lucian artist like Black boy, D-Boy performing live with a few saint Lucian DJs, local food and drink will also be on sale. Activity’s will start from 3pm on the 19th of Feb for family’s to bring the kids and experience local food and drink available ,there will also be games and rides to make sure the kids have a good time.

But then from 7pm it will be big people business where the local st Lucian artist will perform and the djs will keep you entertained there will be prizes to be won on the night for best dress and best wine , we are going to dance till 12 midnight , there will be loads of food and drink on sale.