I have considered contacting the organisers of Black History Month for many years but have never had the confidence to do so due to the nature of my work. I am a painter of large pieces of work and use many mediums to make this work including print and sculpture, however, I tend to wrap up my work and store it in my garage – it has never been exhibited before.
At the moment, I am going into my 3rd year as a mature Fine Art student at the Norwich University of the Arts and it is while doing this degree that I realised that I must start promoting my work because I do have something important to say.
I consider myself a white African, born and brought up in Zimbabwe but I have lived in SA, Botswana before coming to UK 20 years ago. It was 10 years ago that I started painting mostly to alleviate my homesickness for my homeland. Recently I returned to Zimbabwe and realised how wonderful the people of that country are and how they all suffer so badly with poverty, sickness and all manor of difficulties brought on by mismanagement of government. While white Colonial rule is still blamed for this by a minority, most people I met feel that issues that existed under white rule have been exacerbated and made much, much worse by the present government. Violence and and election misconduct become frightening for all individuals.
With the next elections looming around March 2018 (date not set yet) I am keen to support the people by showing my artwork and bringing Zimbabwe to the fore again. There are so many Zimbabweans, both black and white who are supporting families from this country and countries around the world. One lady I met on the plane to Bulawayo had not seen her sons for 17 years while she consciously sent money back to support them through school and University. They are now in the 20’s and cannot get jobs so she continues to support them at age 74. She was a nurse but now does caring work in this country. The joy on her face when she saw her sons for the first time in all those year. If it was not for these dedicated people there would be so much more devastation within the families of Zimbabwe.
I know there are other Zimbabwean artists who feel much the same way as I do but refrain from making political art because of the consequences – particularly if they still live in Zimbabwe.
Sadly, Zimbabwe has been all but forgotten in the media and I would like to bring this to the fore again. I cannot do this alone and would like any suggestions.
I have attached one of my paintings and will be happy to meet with you in London should you feel you have some suggestions and the time to give me.
Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards, JJacobson.