Ruth D-Whyte is an award-winning educationist. Her track record in the sector spans over 25 years; having spent her professional life working both internationally and locally, setting up a multi-phase school and multiple inclusive centres for special needs children.
Despite these achievements she values her role of as a special needs parent the most. Promoting the philosophy she practices, she now is a passionate advocate for fellow special needs parents. She champions them in their fights for their children’s futures. Empowering their own professional growth and development as they all journey to identify their child’s excellence. Ruth published My Excellent Child: The Practicalities of the Education Health and Care Plan For Parents in June 2021.
During this talk, Ruth talks about the role of the parent in the lives of children with SEND, giving you the tools to help your child, get ahead in life, learn their strengths and weaknesses. How can parents discover the hidden strengths of the Educational Health Care plan with respect to their children?