IRD (International Reggae Day) UK Stakeholders Meeting 6

Friday Feb. 8 2019, 6-8pm

An open invitation to the Reggae community, from fans, to musicians, DJs, presenters, journalists, producers, historians, academics, to label owners, this is an opportunity to be updated about plans for IRD (International Reggae Day) UK 2019 and London Borough Of Culture 2010 reggae plans in Brent, discussion and networking:

IRD Reggae Stakeholders Meeting 6 in the Performance Space Friday Feb 8, 6-8pm: Convened by Kwaku for, UK co-ordinator of IRD (International Reggae Day) UK. You’re advised to reach venue before 6pm, for a 6pm prompt start. The Performance Space is on the 1st floor in Willesden Green Library Centre.

Nearest tube station: Willesden Green – 2 bus stop ride: 260, 266, 460
Also buses 52, 98, 302


The purpose is for Stakeholders, consisting of artists, producers, promoters, DJs, journalists, publishers, academics and fans, to come into Brent
a) introduction of London Borough Of Culture 2020 reggae project in Brent

b) to discuss IRD UK 2019 plans, themes,and potential licensed events

c) celebrate Reggae Month

d) screening of excerpt of and discussion on ‘Britain’s Contribution To The Development Of Reggae Music’

e) networking

At the previous meeting, it was decided at Audrey Scott and Melissa ‘DJ Cameo’ Sinclair will be hosts/MCs, and that sub-theme will be Reggae & Mental Health. Main theme to be proposed: Reggae’s Influence On British R&B/Soul.

This is a walk-in meeting for all reggae stakeholders, although it would be appreciated if you can confirm attendance in advance by booking here.

Click here to read IRD UK 2018 report, etc. For IRD UK info: and
