
24 February 2PM 2017

Written and directed by Barry Jenkins (Medicine for Melancholy), Moonlight is a heart-rending exploration of the black and gay experience in modern America.

Told in three chapters, it’s a portrait of Chiron at various stages in his life. Meek, withdrawn and bullied, Chiron grapples with his own identity and sexuality. Fleeting experiences of love and companionship are outweighed by trauma that only causes him to withdraw even further, developing a hardened and toxic masculinity to cope with his struggle.

This is a profoundly beautiful – and often harrowing – film, with stand-out performances from Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders and Trevante Rhodes playing Chiron at key points in his life.

US 2017 Dir Barry Jenkins 111 min

Relaxed screenings are specially tailored for film fans who may be on the autistic spectrum, have Tourette Syndrome, anxiety, sensory difficulties or other learning disabilities. Further information about relaxed screenings is available.