3 teens are photographed mid performance, singing and clicking their fingers. They wear school uniforms
Want to start a choir at your secondary school? Looking to motivate an existing group? Bring your students to a day of singing, workshops and discussions.
This event packs in singing, workshops, performances, peer learning and discussion to inspire a love of singing among your students.
It’s a day built to help you discover how to develop a choir in your school, supported by the Southbank Centre and Lambeth Sounds Music Service.
The day aims to increase young people’s confidence, enthusiasm and engagement with singing in their secondary schools, and to increase participation in singing groups. It hopes to also connect young people with singing opportunities beyond their schools.
By supporting and encouraging young people to develop a love of singing, we hope to help them see singing as a potential part of their lifelong learning and wellbeing.
For teachers, the day aims to boost your knowledge related to healthy, diverse, inclusive singing practice and to help you embed these practices within your schools and singing ensembles.
It should help to lay the foundations for new singing ensembles or build momentum and excitement in existing choirs in secondary schools.