The annual lecture is held during February – the month designated for education throughout The New Testament Church of God.
Grace Bally-Balogun is a minister in New Testament Church of God. She is a former District Youth Director for Deptford district and is currently serving on the National Youth and Discipleship Board. She is currently pursuing a DMin degree in Ministry Leadership at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.
Grace lectures in Practical Theology and is the Course Director for Beginning Theology at St. Mellitus College ( She is also involved at the college in preparing students from diverse backgrounds for lay/ordained ministry.
Grace was a member of Tearfund’s Dream Team from 2017-2018 providing strategic input into Black-Majority Churches strategy. She is also the Founder of The Deborah Gathering™, a network for women in ordained ministry, lay ministry and the marketplace. She has a commercial career that spans over 25 years in the Oil/Gas, Retail and Public Sector, performing senior roles in IT, Change Management and HR. She was the first Chair of Shell UK African Employee Network (2003-2011) and is the Chair of Bringing Hope Ltd. She is a Trustee of the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).
She holds two MAs in Theology : Church Ministries and Christian Leadership and an MSc in Computing for Commerce & Industry. Grace provides leadership development and strategic consultancy to a number of charities, small businesses and churches. .