Interrogating Language Of Identity And Decolonising

Wednesday Sep. 9 2020, 6-9pm (UK)

Interrogating Language Just Say 09 09 2020

THE Zoom meeting exploring decolonising & identity language and terminologies within the workplace, academia, heritage, political and anti-racist spaces… from a British African context.

History consultant and TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question) co-ordinator Kwaku will lead this African History Reflection Day (AHRD) inspired discussion on identity politics and language, using the backdrop from the first pan-African conference, through to the founding of the UNIA-ACL, its first international convention from which the seeds for AHRD were sown, to today’s Black Lives Matter movement, to underscore his points.

The audience will have a chance to respond and also feedback using a poll to test strength of feeling about certain points.

Here’s some food for thought to get you thinking on the issues, and the importance of language and terminologies when dealing with either identity politics or history:

African, Black, or People Of Colour?

African Origin, African Heritage, or African Descent?

Afro-Caribbean, African-Caribbean, or Caribbean?

African Caribbean, African or African/African/Caribbean?

African British or British African?

Black History, Africana Studies or African History?

BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) or AAME (African, Asian, Minority Ethnic)?

Racism, Afriphobia, or Anti-Black Racism?

Caribbean or West Indian?

Black History Month or African History Month?

Slave or Enslaved?

Slavery or Chattel Enslavement?

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade or Trans-Atlantic Trafficking of Enslaved Africans?

Slavery Memorial Day, International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, or International Day of African Resistance Against Enslavement?

#BlackLivesMatter, #AfricanLivesMatter or #BlackLivesMatter/#AfricanLivesMatter?

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The event is part of marking Marcus Garvey/UNIA-ACL 80:100 and UN’s International Decade For People Of African Descent (IDPAD) initiative.

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