Rhea Storr: The Black Aesthetic as an Agent of Community

Thursday 9 December 2021

Discussion inspired by Rhea Storr’s writing on Black Aesthetics and her 2018 film ‘A Protest, ‘A Celebration, A Mixed Message’


Artist filmmaker Rhea Storr leads an online session exploring themes of her 2020 essay ‘The Black Aesthetic as an Agent of Community: Radical Organising in the UK and USA,’ Non-Fiction Journal, 2020. During the session we will read out loud together from Rhea’s essay, and view and discuss her film, ‘A Protest, ‘A Celebration, A Mixed Message’ (2018).

Reading and screenings will open up discussions on questions including:

– Do any of these ideas around the Black Aesthetic translate to other groups which might be misrepresented or less visible? (Can for instance themes of community, circulation and archive speak to feminism in the same way as Black Aesthetics)?

– What effects do the objects (the accumulation of records or media or costume for instance) have on the films overall?

– Who is on the inside and who is on the outside of the communities being created? Who is the film made for and what is hidden from us?

– How might aesthetics predicated on a specific group of people circulate?

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