Museumand, The National Caribbean Heritage Museum is launching the first instalment of a new book on Windrush Day 2020 to help everyone learn about Caribbean history, heritage and culture – and to tell the stories of members of the Windrush Generation around the UK and the amazing contributions they have made to life in Britain.
The Nottingham-based museum is the only museum dedicated to preserving Caribbean history, heritage and culture in the UK and its founders, Catherine Ross and Lynda Burrell, work with national institutions such as museums, galleries, libraries, archives and universities across the UK, as well as local communities and grassroots groups, to celebrate the Caribbean contribution to the UK and explore how British history and heritage can become more diverse, inclusive and representative.
Museumand’s new book ‘70 Objeks & Tings’ has been created to tell the story of the Windrush Generation and their descendants through everyday objects and experiences. Catherine Ross, the museum’s Founder and Director explained:
“During our travels across the UK we see and talk to hundreds of people every week. Often, some of the everyday objects and references we talk about and share, the things that Caribbeans aged 40 years and up would say are typically Caribbean, are unrecognisable and unknown to younger generations. We hope this book will help them explore aspects of their heritage and culture they may not have discovered before in a fun, intergenerational way, while giving those who lived it a chance to reminisce and retell their stories, keeping our tangible and intangible history alive and at the forefront of our minds.
“Originally, we hoped to run workshops to gather and develop content for 70 Objeks & Tings, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic we’ve decided to launch the first section of the book digitally. That way, everyone can download a copy wherever they are and get involved. We’ll be launching future sections very soon and we’re planning to publish a printed version of the complete book in 2021 – when hopefully we can meet and get together in person again.”
The first section of the book is all about food and explores some of the ingredients, recipes, dishes and snacks familiar to Caribbean families in the UK. From the origins of classics like Jerk Cooking and Hot Pepper Sauce, to the inspiration behind favourites like Jamaican Patties and how they’re evolving to suit contemporary tastes.The book also includes a flavour of Caribbean sayings, riddles and songs – with plenty of fun and informative ‘Did You Knows’.
Patrick Vernon OBE, whose successful campaign for 22 June to be recognised annually as Windrush Day, a national day acknowledging the migrant contribution to UK society, became a reality in 2018, has welcomed Museumand’s book.
“70 Objeks and Tings is a fantastic resource as we celebrate national Windrush Day and the legacy of the Windrush Generation since the docking of the Empire Windrush on 22 June 1948. This book will provide fun and intergenerational dialogue with elders who have stories and narratives around these objects.”
You can read the first instalment of ’70 Objeks & Tings’ via Issuu or on the museum’s website at
You can read the first instalment of ’70 Objeks & Tings’ via Issuu or on the museum’s website at http://museumand.org/objeksandtings/
Follow Museumand on social media to keep up to date with ’70 Objeks & Tings’ as well as the museum’s latest news and plans for forthcoming exhibitions and events.
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