Is God calling you out of the shadows and into the spotlight? This conference will assist you in responding to the call of God on your life
With speakers from various genres – health, wealth, ministry, business, inspiration, and more, MANIFEST is positioned to SHOW YOU HOW TO take territory, breakthrough, step in, overtake and conquer in all aspects of your life. After all, God has not given us the spirit of fear, thus it is time for your presence to be felt, for yokes to be destroyed and burdens lifted.
You have a choice … choose to learn how to grow and ignite your greatness, or simply be medicore. Medicore is not your portion, great is! Be great at what you do. Show up every single day and do your best!!
Manifest Conference 2022: Out of the Shadows & into the Spotlight is the place where you’ll learn what it takes to bring your life, your ministry, your ambitions, your business, your purpose out of the shadows—and into the spotlight, where it belongs. Join us for inspiring talks, sermons, worship networking, and praise!
Join us then for a full day of blessing, inspiration, revelation, and anointing. After 2 plus years of global crisis, it is time for the church, the ecclesia to MANIFEST, to STEP OUT OF THE SHADOWS & INTO THE SPOTLIGHT.
Early Bird Fee – Group Bookings – Business Tables all available!
Life Sessions – Wellbeing Sessions _ Ministry Sessions – Wealth Sessions – Word – Worship – Dance and so much more!!!
You simply cannot afford to miss it!!