Bristol: Senegal Meets Africaribbean Contemporary

Saturday 1th October

The fourth workshop in the Sabar Family Workshop Series


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The forth workshop in the Sabar Family series will connect Senegal, West Africa to AfriCaribbean contemporary styles. I will be teaching Sabar dance to Kaolack rhythm. International guest teacher Ofelia Balogun will be teaching experimental AfriCaribbean contemporary. This dance style explores the intersection between vocabulary originated from the African Diaspora in the Caribbean to the world and its connection with dance theatre and contemporary techniques. We will also create the space to improvise and explore our own movements. Live music with Dembis Thioung (on drums), and myself (voice and drums).

Saturday 1st October, St Werburghs Community Centre BS2 9TJ

  • 12-12.15: Introduction: Batch Gueye
  • 12.15-1.45: Sabar Dance: Kaolack Rhythm: Batch Gueye
  • 2-3.55: Africaribbean Contemporary Dance: Dance Your Roots: Ofelia Balogun
  • 4-5: Open expression circle: Ofelia Balogun & Batch Gueye