Settlers: Journeys Black African London

Thursday 20th October

Join Jimi Famurewa, a British-Nigerian journalist in his journeys into the hidden yet vibrant world of African London


This is a story that begins with post-1960s arrivals from African countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Somalia. Some came from former British colonies in the wake of newfound independence; others arrived seeking prosperity and an English education for their children. Now, in the 2020s, their descendants have unleashed a tidal wave of creativity and cultural production stretching from Lambeth to Lagos, Islington to the Ivory Coast. Everywhere you look, across the fields of sport, business, fashion, the arts and beyond, there are the descendants of Black African families that were governed by many of the same immutable, shared traditions.

In his book Jimi Famurewa, a British-Nigerian journalist, journeys into the hidden yet vibrant world of African London seeking to understand the ties that bind. He visits places of worship, markets and restaurants and traditional ceremonies, listening to their stories to find the connections.

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