Hideous History Executions & Hanging Tour

Fri, 19:00 - 20:30

These days we can be whoever we want to be, we can pretend to be someone else and take on another persona easily.

However, in 1487 Thomas Harrington faced trial for impersonating the Duke of Clarence’s son.

Thomas was beheaded on the Smithford Street conduit – outside what was then the Black Bull Inn.

Today, the Barracks car park is on this site.

Now like all good stories…there’s a twist.

As noted by David McGrory in the Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in Coventry book, Thomas Harrington was in fact Lambert Simnal – the historical records being rewritten over time contributes to the confusion.

Come & take a walk & learn about attempted regicide, ducking stools, high treason torture & beheading. Surprisingly, it all took place in our City. A truly Hideous History tour.

This tour takes place every third Friday of the month. Please note: we will meet outside the Council House.