Summer 2022 Exhibition: Prophecy

Saturday 7th May

An exhibition inspired by George Eliot’s novel, Middlemarch, exploring stories of survival, history, and migration.


Bringing together the work of 14 contemporary artists who use stories and histories to present shared experiences.

In the historic novel Middlemarch, Nuneaton-born author Eliot described a wave of change in a Midlands town through themes still familiar to us 150 years after the novel was published: the coming of outsiders with different ideas; the fear of a potentially fatal epidemic; and proposals for a new political system that would ensure more people had a voice.

Co-curated by Coventry artist Laura Nyahuye, Prophecy presents artworks that explore similar themes to those present in Middlemarch; including survival, history, and migration to consider how individual experiences can bring people closer together. The exhibition is imagined as a conversation that unfolds and develops within Warwick Arts Centre’s Mead Gallery.

Nyahuye invites visitors, local groups and communities to contribute their voices to the exhibition, by creating pieces or leaving comments that respond to, sit alongside, and complement the works on display – constantly changing the exhibition over its seven-week duration.

Featured artists include:

  • Dineo Seshee Bopape
  • JJ Chan
  • Esiri Erheriene-Essi
  • Marianne Fahmy
  • Matthew Krishanu
  • Edwin Mingard
  • Maria Mahfooz
  • David Moore
  • Eleanor Mortimer
  • Laura Nyahuye
  • Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Khadija Saye
  • Caroline Walker
  • Nilupa Yasmin