TEDx Hackney Libraries is a wonderful opportunity for local residents to get together to listen to experts talk about subjects that matter to us all. These events aren’t just about listening; the open discussion at each session encourages conversation about how these topics affect our everyday lives, inspire us to see things from a different perspective and could even spark change!
TEDx Hackney Council Libraries are inclusive events, ensuring that everyone has a voice, as we believe that personal stories and experiences are invaluable. We can learn from experts, but most of all we can learn from each other.
Thursday 7th November, 6pm-8pm
Can we still save our planet?
Climate change is a reality, despite decades of warnings from scientists, is it a case of too little too late in terms of international policy? What can we do now to stop the worst consequences?
Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg’s ‘Disarming case to act right now on climate change’ is a passionate call to action, Psychologist Per Espen Stoknes explains ‘How to transform apocalypse fatigue into action on global warming’ and environmentalist Katherine Wilkinson explains ‘ How empowering women and girls can help stop global warming’ and we find out ‘What really happens to the plastic you throw away’
Thursday 14th November, 6pm-8pm
Deconstructing conscious and unconscious bias
How does bias distort our thinking, our listening, our beliefs and even scientific research? How can we shake these unconscious biases that shape society?
Writer Yassmin Abdel-Magied challenges us to look beyond initial perceptions and asks ‘What does my headscarf mean to you?’, meteorologist J Marshall explains ‘3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview’ Swedish author Andreas Akström unveils ‘The moral bias behind search results’ and MIT grad student Joy Boalamwini explains how she is ‘Fighting bias in algorithms.’
Thursday 21st November, 6pm-8pm
How lucky are you?
What makes someone lucky? Can luck be controlled, is it random, or is it based on something else? Former professional poker player Liv Boeree asks if it’s better to be lucky or good in her talk ‘3 lessons on decision-making from a poker champion’, Tina Seelig explains how to seize opportunities in ‘The little risks you can take to increase your luck’, theatre director Paul Bourne explores the dynamics and role of luck and serendipity in ‘How to be lucky’ and fitness instructor Ahanti Johnson suggests that can we can influence our destiny through ‘The power of visualization’.
Thursday 28th November, 6pm-8pm
Power to the people – Can we really influence society?
What does it take to change the world for the better? Can we as individuals really make a difference and shift the balance of power through activism and social movements? Political scientist Zacharia Mampily demonstrates ‘How activists are redefining democracy around the world’, activist Jeremy Heimans demonstrates ‘What new power looks like’, poet Aja Monet and community organiser Philip Agnew share ‘a love story about ‘The power of art as organising’ and Dolores Huerta explains ‘How to overcome apathy and find your power’.
Thursday 5th December, 6pm-8pm
Me too, what next?
The Me Too movement has undeniably had an impact on the way we think and talk about gender discrimination. But how has this conversation moved beyond a hashtag and where do we go from here?
Me Too movement founder Tarana Burke clarifies that ‘Me too is a movement not a moment’ founder of the EveryDaySexism project Laura Bates gives us the stats behind ‘Everyday sexism’, sociologist Michael Kimmel explains ‘Why gender equality is good for everyone –men included’and comedian Sandi Toksvig tells her story of how she created ‘A political party for women’s equality’ because equality wont just happen.
Thursday 12th December, 6pm-8pm
Dare to fail
Failure can be devastating, but it can also make us stronger and more resilient. What if we accepted that failure is part of success and embraced it instead?
Entrepreneur and director of the Failure Institute Leticia Gasca calls us to move beyond shame and humiliation in her talk ‘Don’t fail fast- fail mindfully’ business educator Eddie Obeng calls for ‘Smart failure for a fast-changing world’ and social psychologist Thomas Curran’s talk ‘Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse’ explores how the pressure to be perfect is driving a rise in mental illness and author of Eat Pray Love Elizabeth Gilbert talks us through ‘Success, failure and the drive to keep creating’