Listen up as womxn* of colour share their stories through poetry and music presented by spoken-word platform Heaux Noire.
Heaux Noire presents poets, performers and musicians sharing their stories in a night created to inspire, support and uplift the voices of black and brown womxn – come and join us for a night full of melanin.
Based in London and Birmingham, Heaux Noire creates spaces and performance opportunities platforming black and brown womxn and their experiences.
*Heaux Noire’s use of the term ‘womxn’ aims to underscore gender fluidity and inclusivity. Heaux Noire understand the vast spectrum of gender and aim to represent all black and brown womxn, not only to include/platform the voices of cisgendered womxn, but also those of transgender womxn, femme/feminine-identifying genderqueer and non-binary people.