Before Windrush: Black People in Leeds and Bradford, 1708 — 1948

Wednesday 30th November

Historian Danny Friar explores the lives of people of African heritage who made Leeds and Bradford their home before the Windrush Generation


People of African heritage have been making Leeds and Bradford their home for over 300 years. This talk explores the lives of Black people living in Leeds and Bradford prior to the arrival of the HMT Windrush in 1948. The result of the research conducted by Danny Friar called ‘Before Windrush: Black People in Leeds and Bradford, 1708 – 1948’ for the Leeds Libraries in summer 2021, the talk will shed light on a long overlooked local history.

Location: Temple Newsam House Templenewsam Road Leeds LS15 0AE

Book Ticket here

This talk is free but booking is required to reserve a place.

Organiser of Before Windrush: Black People in Leeds and Bradford, 1708 — 1948
Temple Newsam is a Tudor Jacobean mansion with over 40 rooms to view, set in 1500 acres of parkland. Described as the Hampton Court of the North, we have a changing programme of events, exhibitions and activities for families.