Poetry Day Meet Breis – Rap artist, poet and author
Tuesday 5 October 2021
Poetry Day Meet Breis – Rap artist, poet and author
BREIS (breeze) is a dynamic Nigerian rap artist based in the UK. His name stands for Brother Reaching Each Inner Soul. Growing up in both the UK and Nigeria has influenced BREIS’ sound, which is a fusion of Hip Hop, Jazz and Afro-beat.
Breis is also the author of Brilliant Rappers Educate Intelligent Students – A collection of rap lyrics and the inspiration behind them. He is a remarkable live performer who has performed worldwide with his fusion of hip hop, jazz and African rhythms. His work is thought provoking, witty and inspiring. He is passionate about the education and well being of young people.
Come join Breis at Ashby Community Hub where he’ll be reading his own Rap Poetry and motivational talk to inspire.