
Tue 16 Oct - 1:30pm - 7:30pm

Castaways explores the nature of friendship, trauma and tribal loyalties in a neighbourhood where the blue touch paper is waiting to be lit…

Three teenagers – born on the same day, in the same town but with very different backgrounds. Inseparable since they were knee-high to a grasshopper, they’re a close-knit trio, both at school and at home. Sam, Asha and Kieran watch out for each other, until one day a shocking event blows their teenage world apart and their friendship with it.

Mandala Theatre is a diversity-led company creating exciting new theatre, which gives a dramatic voice to young people whose stories are not normally heard. Written by award-winning playwright Atiha Sen Gupta, Castaways has been developed through creative workshops with young people, exploring their sense of connectedness – or otherwise – with the communities they have grown up in.

Castaways is the second of three commissioned plays, which all have social justice at their heart. There will be a chance to discuss the issues raised in the play at a post-show discussion.

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