Shackles, The Whip and The Drum

Sunday 30th October

Shackles, The Whip and the Drum is created and performed by Sheba Monserrat.


Come and join us on a journey to from Africa to the Carried-Beyond.

Shackles, The Whip and the Drum is a presentation created and performed by Sheba Montserrat.

Sheba is a Caribbean dance specialist, performance poet, stand up comedian and Black British and Caribbean Historian. The show will consist of dance, comedy and poetry highlighting how the tools of enslavement have shaped traditional Caribbean dance.

Delivering a show that is highly entertaining, liberating and educational with high energy and flamboyance.

You will be introduced to twin guardian spirits, Rhythm and Dance. They will guide you across the middle passage after you are abducted from Africa to life in the Caribbean. Their mission is to help you to survive the shackles and the whip. Sheba will teach you how to Immerse your self in the soothing beat of The Drum. The Drum becomes your counsellor providing you with an emotional outlet to maintain your physical, mental and spiritual well-being on the plantations.

The audience will have the opportunity for Q & A after the show.

There will be a follow up dance workshop on 2nd November at Canning Town Library at 6.00 – 7.30pm.