A discussion series created to obliterate racism, heal as a country, mature as a nation, level up as humans, and build a better world.
12.15.2021 – TOPIC: Choosing Happiness : Our Responsibility – Peggy Sullivan
Special Guest Author Peggy Sullivan will share her journey to choose to be happy. Join us. She’s guaranteed to drop nuggets. Engage us, and through a series of thoughtful exercises, lead us to a place of truth and understanding, about happiness.
I want to create a series with impact, healing, and a call to action. Racism is extremely deep-rooted. A lot of work needs to be done to pull it up by the roots and kill it. The Healing Chronicles is a catalyst for positive and mindful change. It’s important to have the conversations. It’s essential to reconcile and heal.
By way of honesty, authenticity and transparency, I seek to create a safe environment that tackles tough topics, but doesn’t tackle people. It takes a village, and I am thankful for the healers (allies) who helped make this series possible.