Caribbean Cruise: A theatrical tour of Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Haiti
Sun, January 10, 2021 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM GMT
Plays, poems, and pensées from the rich cultures of the Francophone Caribbean!
Join TdR as we explore the history and voices of French-speaking writers, musicians, and artists of Francophone North America. Enjoy a signature cocktail/mocktail (we’ll send the recipe!) as you participate in a lively online discussion. No French required. Admission is free; suggested donation of $5-$25 is appreciated!
Organiser Theatre Du Reve
Organizer of Caribbean Cruise: A theatrical tour of Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Haiti
About Théâtre du Rêve: Our mission is to bring the language and cultures of the French-speaking world to life on the American stage, and to kickstart important dialogue through top-quality productions and strong educational programs. We perform in French with English supertitles, so everyone can experience the work we’re so passionate about!