There then, here now: BME people and the NHS

Mon, 22 June 2020 16:00 – 17:00

We want to highlight both the contribution of BME people & migration to the NHS past and present, but also the realities faced then and now (hostility in the workplace, the hostile environment and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19).

The disproportionate deaths of BME NHS staff and BME people generally, and the restrictionist Immigration Bill that is making its way through parliament makes the need for such a conversation more pertinent than ever.

Dr Stephanie Snow, University of Manchester, historian of medicine and healthcare and author of Immigration and the National Health Service: putting history to the forefront

Professor Linda McDowell, University of Oxford, Fellow Emerita at St John’s College and author of Migrant Women’s Voices: talking about life and work in the UK since 1945

Yvonne Coghill, Deputy President, Royal College of Nurses and Director – WRES Implementation in NHS England

Helen Hayes, MP for Dulwich and West Norwood

Zubaida Haque (Chair) – Runnymede Trust Director

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