Tracing Black Ancestry | Secrets of 1817 Slave Registers Uncovered

Sunday 30th July

Blending African diaspora History and ancestry. Paul Crooks reveals how he used slavery registers to bring his back story to life.


Paul Crooks shares his expertise in tracing Black history and ancestry by delving into the origins of slavery registers. In this talk, he explores how he used these registers to uncover his own family’s past and how they can be used to support exploration into Black Ancestry, Black History, and self-worth. The event is part of the Ancestry Talks with Paul Crooks’ Season of Empowering Black History.

This talk is perfect for those interested in gaining a better appreciation of the following:

• Blending African diaspora history and ancestry

• How slavery registers can reveal personal backstories of Caribbean and North American people

• What the 1817 slave registers reveal about the roots of racial inequality

This talk is suitable for anyone who wants to develop their knowledge and understanding of Black History, whether they’re new to exploring family history or have some experience searching for their ancestors and want to know about other sources of information.

Premium Ticket holders

Premium Ticket holders will access the event and receive the Africans, Irish and the Music of the Caribbean PDF .

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