Why Music? What is ‘African’ Music?

Tuesday 30 November 2021

The musician, educator Kwame Bakoji-Hume talks about reclaiming the frames of reference for teaching and appreciating ‘African’ music.


The musician, educator Kwame Bakoji-Hume talks about reclaiming the frames of reference for teaching and appreciating ‘African’ music. In conversation with Nate Holder, Kwame Bakoji-Hume will explore how teaching about African music is often filtered via a European lens and how it loses nuance and content. Also, there are issues associated with thinking about the ‘country of origin’ for the music. Musical differences between Senegal and Gambia are often non existent, whereas differences between the Ga and Gonga within Ghana can be vast. How can music educators shape content to more accuratly represent various musics of West Africa?

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