Windrush Conference – Needs of Black & Mixed Heritage Children in Schools

Saturday 2th July

A Windrush Conference for Head Teachers, Teachers, Parents and Grandparents


Suffolk Windrush invites you to our annual conference.

The Windrush Educational Conference 2022 has been funded by the National Lottery brings together guest speakers, head teachers, heads of departments, teachers, parents of black and mixed heritage children in schools.

You will get to hear from some of the lead national voices on Windrush issues, and the educational needs of our children around raising academic achievement and celebrating black historical achievement in schools. MP Diane Abbot will be one of our Keynote speakers, alongside Andrew Muhammad (Mr Investigator) of Manhood Academy.

Diane Abbott is the Member of Parliament for Hackney North and Stoke Newington.Her parents were amongst the earliest Jamaican migrants. They were part of the Windrush generation. Diane studied history at Cambridge University She went on to become one of the first black women to become a councillor in London. And in 1987 she became the very first black woman to become a Member of the British parliament. Diane has been a campaigner all her political life for fairness and justice for Britain’s black community.

Andrew Muhammad is a Director, Author, Teacher, School Governor and Mentor in the Black community nationally. He is also the Founding Director of the Westside Young Leaders Academy (WYLA); a supplementary school with a strong mentoring component. he is also the president of 100Club Global, a grassroots membership organisation focused on the social and economic development of people of African descent. Over the years he has taken on various leadership roles and creates a positive working environment for all. The Investigator’s film debut was the multiple Award Motion Picture ‘500 Years Later’. he has also been featured in many documentaries such as ‘Is Black History Important’. Since 1994 he has been conducting Hidden truth Tours nationwide, and this is also an online platform engaging Black people world-wide in live talks, discussions and debates pertaining critical issues affecting the Black community. More recently, Mr Muhammed has visited Suffolk to inspire the children at the ACYCLE project on African queens and kings throughout history. This evening, Mr Investigator talks on the subject of WINDRUSH, and how it has great significance to the generations of the Windrush era today.

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