Raising finances for a business has never really been a problem as smart money chases good business ideas but finding the right business ideas with a competitive advantage to invest in is normally one of the biggest challenges.
We know that not every idea is a good idea, not every good idea is a business idea, not every business idea is a scalable idea and not every scalable idea is a sustainable idea. But every business starts with someone getting an idea and identifying a gap/niche in the market which can be exploited and capitalised on.
We are looking for Go-getters, Entrepreneurs, individuals or teams who can think outside the box, are smart and have good business ideas Online or Offline with a competitive advantage, scalability and sustainability. If your ideas hold water then we can proceed towards raising finances for you from our partners.
We shall be in touch prior to the event date to set up a meeting to assess your idea and whether it is worth presenting to our audience.
In the interim get your earlybird ticket today and PLEASE only book or reserve a ticket once you have checked your calendar for confirmed availability.