I’ve only just come across your website which seems the ideal place to highlight a BHM celebration – our third one but one which we’d always welcome more people to.
Here are the details:
African Arts Open Day (Variety show, workshops, craft and food)
For the third year we are celebrating Black History Month with Bantu Arts. There will be workshops in Art, Crafts, Drumming and Dancing, before an exhilarating and energetic performance from wonderfully talented dancers and musicians who have entertained us for the last two years.
Craft workshops (£7.50) Making a piece of African-inspired jewellery
10am – 11.15am (5-7 years)
11.30am – 1pm (8-12 years)
Drumming workshop* (£5 / £3 child)
Learn the basics of African Drumming beats – drums provided or bring your own. Great fun for all ages.
Dance workshop* (£5 / £3 child)
Get moving with the Bantu Dancers – Adults and children of all ages welcome.
Africa Variety Show – 5.15pm (£10, £8 child including one workshop of choice)
A high octane, super entertaining mix of African Dance and Music which will get you up and on your feet!