Baba Father by Ollie Adegboye

Friday 14th July

Come join us as we celebrate the launch of Baba, Father by Ollie Adegboye.


Baba, Father is an intimate portrait series that spends time with Black fathers from North London. During the 2020 pandemic, photographer Ollie Adegboye became a father for the first time. Going through a rush of new emotions, Ollie connected with friends of his who were also parents themselves. Having vulnerable and open discussions with them about their hopes and dreams. This was the first time Ollie had experienced speaking with black men in such a way and to him which birthed this series. An open look at modern black fathers. Celebrating their love for their kids but also the weight that they carry through inherited culture.

Whilst making the project, one thing became clear for Ollie;

“When documenting these families, including from some who chose not to be photographed, is that time with our children is our safe space. We can simply just be. If there was any objective for the project, it was to capture that.”

The conversations Ollie had with each father also covered each fathers own past and family. Touching and exploring their relationships with their own fathers. Gracefully acknowledging both positive and negative experiences and figuring out the type of father and relationship they wanted with their own kids.

The result of these conversations and moments are moving, honest and a new look at black fatherhood in the UK. These portraits speak to us all, as children, potential parents or guardians. We all have a story to tell about our fathers. Baba, Father tells those of young fathers with young lives in their arms, wanting to make their children’s lives and experiences better than their own.

Baba, Father will be exhibiting in London on 14th – 15th July. With a private view and book launch on the 14th. We would love you to come and celebrate this powerful body of work.

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