Black Sheroes Month is a series of cultural events taking place in different boroughs in London. The objective of this project is to reflect on the lack of black women referents in society and the concept of the Shero. This project includes artists, educators, partners, community groups, families and general public.
The programme includes an exhibition, a Sheroes in Literature talk at Housmans Book for the launch of the book The Colours of Madness, a solo-exhibition of one of the artists at the gallery Studio 73 in Brixton and art workshops for families at Rich Mix.
Black Sheroes Art Workshops, happening in Tower Hamlets, aims to re-think through workshops the actual meaning and purpose of the British BHM by focusing on important black women that made Britain great. BHM was created in 1987 aiming at:
Promoting knowledge of black history, culture and heritage
Disseminating information on positive black contributions to British society
Heightening the confidence and awareness of black people to their cultural heritage
The main objective of BHM was to celebrate the contributions of black people in Great Britain, to form a positive image of black citizens in order to fight back negative stereotypes and racism. However, it unfortunately quickly developed into a mere celebration of African and Caribbean cultural facts.
Through our Black Sheroes art workshop at Rich Mix, in Tower Hamlets, we would like to not only celebrate, but also remember and recognise the struggles of Black British people through education that will enlighten participants with historical facts, while they learn about inspirational black British women that contributed to make the history of this country great.
Also, it is an opportunity for us to expand the project in one of the boroughs that better promotes art among their communities.
Art Workshops:
Black Sheroes on a Poster
Concept: We would like to challenge participants to recreate our visual culture by putting black faces of important women in the cultural, political and academy scenery.
Time: 11.30am – 3.30pm
Technique: collage
Participants: all
Age: from 5 years old
Did you know…?
Concept: we will make postcards from scratch on which we will write about Black British Herstories. Participants will have access to different biographies of women, quotes, artworks and send their postcards to someone they think should hear about them.
Time: 11.30am – 3.30pm
Technique: making postcards
Participants: all
Age: from 8 years old
Black Herstories in Clay
Concept: participants will be able to reflect upon memorabilia through the stories of great black women. Making objects in clay while getting inspired by amazing herstories.
Time: 11.30am – 3.30pm
Technique: ceramics
Participants: all
Age: from 8 years old
Black Sheroes-Art Workshops are supported by Tower Hamlets Council.