Two weeks after International Women’s Day, BTWSC/African Histories Revisited in association with Support Our Women, provides a forum for highlighting and celebrating UK’s African women activists and organisations over the decades.
The Zoom event kicks off with the screening of the improved and updated 100 minute mashup video* by history consultant Kwaku, which uses original and found material, plus academic and community history resources. It pulls together a history that stretches past the usual 70s/80s Black Women Movement and London-centric narratives.
Attendees are advised to join in good time, as the screening will begin promptly at 6.15pm. Community activist Nana Asante will moderate the post-screening discussion. Expect to hear from some of those who are part of this history.
To book: AfricanHistoryPlus.eventbrite.com.
*The image above provides an indication of the subjects covered, which is comprehensive, capturing London, the regions and a narrative from the 1940s. The mash up video is a comprehensive labour of love, for which attendees are requested to make a donation to attend. Screening will start promptly at 6.15pm.
For enquiries and commissions: Awula Serwah – btwsc@hotmail.com
Produced by BTWSC/African Histories Revisited in association with Support Our Women and TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question).