BTWSC/African Histories Revisited, TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question), Friends Of Marcus Garvey Bust Collective and Brent Museum and Archives present the second Marcus Garvey Annual Pan-Africanism Presentation – ‘Pan-Africanism Made Simple’/’The Centrality Of Marcus Garvey In The Introduction Of African History Month UK’.
EARLY ARRIVAL NOTICE: We’ve moved the start time to 6.00pm, in order to accommodate networking, checking the books, CDs and DVDs stall, and visiting the Marcus Garvey bust in the Museuem (2nd floor) before the presentation. There will be diplomatic mission representation. Smart casual attire.
Marking African Jubilee Year 1987-88 @ 30, African History Month @ 30 and International Decade For People Of African Descent (IDPAD) 2015-18.
This is an inclusive, family-friendly event.
Although the concept of pan-Africanism has a long history, it is not easily defined and means different things to different people. Community activist Nana Asante will break down the concept with a short presentation entitled ‘Pan-Africanism Made Simple’.
Some 30 years ago Black (now referred to as African) History Month was introduced in the UK. History consultant Kwaku posits that without the Jamaican-born pan-Africanist hero Marcus Garvey, there probably would not have been such a formal African history programme.
Through the audio-visual ‘The Centrality Of Marcus Garvey In The Introduction Of African History Month UK; presentation, Kwaku will firstly show how the importance of African history within Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association-African Communities League (UNIA-ACL) organisation can be found in the 1920 Declaration Of The Rights Of The Negro Peoples Of The World, which inspired the 2014 declaration making August 31 African History Reflection Day.
In the mid-1980s the identity crisis of a young African boy named Marcus, after Garvey, sowed the seeds that led to the GLC (Greater London Council) delivering African history programmes before its demise in 1986. In 1987, with input from various Garveyite organisatios, notably the Marcus Garvey Centenary Committee, the African Jubilee Year 1987-88 programme was delivered by GLC-successor organisation LSPU (London Strategic Policy Unit) and community organisations. The legacy of the Year is African History Month and the tenets of the African Jubilee Year Declaration.
Come and hear Kwaku, who has interviewed key people within this narrative and delved into the GLC/LSPU archives, bring to life a little known African British history! Presentation is followe by a Q&A session.
Produced by BTWSC/African Histories Revisited in association with Friends Of Marcus Garvey Bust Collective @ WGLC Brent Museum and Archives. For enquiries: btwsc@hotmail.com.