Join us for a 12-week therapeutic group (7.00pm-8.30pm) which aims to provide a safe space for women of African and Caribbean origin to come together, to explore and honour your inherent power and your unique experiences.
Through listening and sharing, together we can start to relieve isolation, improve self-awareness, increase self-esteem and address unhelpful patterns of behaviour and thinking.
Topics include: Cultural Identity, Relationships, Mental Health, Self- Care, Myths & Stereotypes.
The group will be facilitated by BACP & UKCP psychotherapists Dee Albert & Sam Carbon. A thought provoking, healing, non-judgemental and supportive environment, for open, honest dialogue about the challenges and successes of being a black woman.
Together as a group we will tap into our resilience, resourcefulness and creativity enabling healing and transformation.
Limited spaces. £40 to registration fee, £40 per week thereafter
Please feel free to contact Sam Carbon or Dee Albert directly with any questions before booking.
Silent Echoes Therapy – Weekly Group for Women of African and Caribbean Ori…
Thu, 25 Apr 2019, 19:00 – Thu, 27 Jun 2019, 20:30