BME leadership in higher education summit 2017 – Free Event
Thursday 18th May 2017 10am - 3pm
ECU are pleased to partner with the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education on our joint BME leadership in higher education summit 2017. The summit will be chaired by Baroness Amos.
The ‘BME Leadership in Higher Education Summit’ aims to empower agents of change and key decision makers to take action to advance the race equality agenda within their institution.
Chaired by Baroness Amos, Director of SOAS University, this second joint summit between the Leadership Foundation and Equality Challenge Unit (the first of which took place in 2015), is an opportunity to engage leaders to stimulate real change and progress race equality in higher education. It will showcase a number of tools and differing strategies that individuals and institutions can employ to tackle the systematic issues associated with the underrepresentation of BME leaders within the sector.
Through a mixed format of panel discussion, presentations and thematic workshops topics will include:
Challenging organisational culture, acting as an agent of change
Learning from others : understanding what works and best practice
How to get strategic buy in to further advance the race equality agenda
How ECU’s Race Equality Charter can enable strategic change on race equality