WhatsApp TikTok: #BritishAfricanHistory1

Monday October 9 2023, 6.30-8.30pm

WhatsApp TikTok: #MusicAndPolitics1

No long thing – just some nice vibes for you, family and friends to sit through one session and watch some of the videos that came to us over the last year or so via WhatsApp or Tik Tok, which speak to which speak to British African history, as we mark African History Month Month.

Curated and led by Kwaku BBM, the audience is welcome to talk about some of their favourite videos and why. Where possible, if you know the URL, we’ll go to the link, so that we can all see what you’re talking about! Moderated by community activist Sis Nana Asante.

A family-friendly event organised by BTWSC/African Histories Revisited, BBM/BMC (BritishBlackMusicMusic.com/Black Music Congress) and TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question).

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