Huddersfield and the NHS: the Caribbean connection

Friday 16th October 2020, 6pm – 7pm

During 2020 attention has been drawn to the significant frontline contribution by BAME medical, health and support workers during the pandemic. COVID-19 has also had a disproportionate impact upon the UK’s BAME communities. This new documentary from Kirklees Local TV (KLTV), produced in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield, offers a longer, local perspective. It considers how over the past 72 years, recruitment of people of African Caribbean heritage supported and strengthened the local development of the NHS. It also highlights how those people brought new awareness of specific health-related issues and contributed to the NHS’s evolution into a more inclusive health care system for all. The live private screening will be followed by a video-link opportunity to talk about issues raised by the new production.

Book a place: Online event with prior registration. For details please email:

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