Black History Live – Weekend Launch – Free Event

Saturday 25th March - 12pm – 1.30pm

Project background

The project will focus on the history of African and Caribbean people across Kent and Medway. It aims to tell the story of the African and Caribbean inhabitants of Kent and Medway in the 19th and 20th Century. Telling the story of their contribution to the region, how they arrived here, their work in the areas of trade, industry, what their life was like in the community, their contribution to the arts, education, science and technology. It will enable the wider community not just those that live in the region, but visitors to the region to develop a better understanding of the diversity of the region. The project will unearth the history of the region and the people that lived there, through speaking to living descendants and current inhabitants to enable them to tell their story of what life was like for them living in the region from a diversity perspective. This will enable their stories to be passed onto future generations. We will also research local and national archives.